Software Engineer | Learner | Raconteur | Avid Traveller | Father
by Tahir R.
During the days of my university life I was lucky enough to be a part of an amzing team. We all were designated members of development socites of our department. I myself was the President of Web Engineering Society.
Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash
The purpose of these societies was to get more exciting and amzing people on-board who are enthusiast about the profession. We had a number of different socities:
During that tenure we conducted a 3-rounds interview to get more members in our socities and we were amazed to see the enegetic response by our fellow students. It was amazing experience for all of us to have an idea about the other side of the table.
Here are some glimpse of the interview session.
I work at Check24 on weekdays and read about latest tech trends, AI, & do some blogging on weekends. Find me on Twitter, GitHub, and Stackoverflow.