Tahir Raza's Journal

Software Engineer | Learner | Raconteur | Avid Traveller | Father


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Posted on 15 May 2015 in achievement

Tahir Raza - Speaker @ Web Development Workshop

by Tahir R.

Yes that’s me, Tahir Raza, speaking at an ACM organized web development workshop and it was a real honor for me to be there and to help my dear fellows understand the very basics of web development and freelancing.

tahir raza speaker at web development workshop

So it’s been quite sometime now that I’ve been a part of an active web development society in University of Sargodha and also having a fulltime job as a web developer the responsibility is on my shoulders that I make sure my peers are also following the right path to gain knowledge and leverage healthy professional skills which will be beneficial for them in future.

As the quote says:

There is no wealth like knowledge,and no poverty like ignorance. - Buddha

I believe that knowledge is a wealth which shouldn’t be kept along yourself and you should always be ready to share what you have, this is all open-source concept is about but that’s for another time.

So we held a workshop and it was a complete success, the workshop was almost 3.5 hours long and we discussed various things in it, a few of them are listed below.

The one thing that made me keep going as a web development is, there’re always new problems to solve and you’ll learn new things everyday. This makes you hungry for knowledge and curious about things you use in your day to day tasks because everything thing is evolving on a rapid pace.

tags: speaker - achievement - web - development - uos - university - sargodha
By Tahir R.

I work at Check24 on weekdays and read about latest tech trends, AI, & do some blogging on weekends. Find me on Twitter, GitHub, and Stackoverflow.